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API Endpoints for Operating Systems

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Get a list of all operating_systems

GET /operating_systems.json

Example with curl:

curl -H "X-Api-Token: abcde123456" http://my-cartoque-server/operating_systems.json

Expected response:

  "operating_systems": [
      "id": "4abc33",
      "name": "Debian 5",
      "codename": "Lenny"

Parameters: none.

Show a specific server

GET /operating_systems/:id.json

Example with curl:

curl -sLH "X-Api-Token: abcde123456" http://my-cartoque-server/operating_systems/4abc33.json

Expected response:

  "operating_system": {
    "id": "4abc33",
    "name": "Debian 5",
    "codename": "Lenny"

Parameters: none.